Kadesi Publisher Yogyakarta
Kadesi Publisher Yogyakarta adalah lembaga penerbit buku Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Kadesi Yogyakarta. Setiap penulis dapat mengurus ISBN di Kadesi Publisher Yogyakarta dengan mengikuti ketentuan yang dimiliki oleh Kadesi Publisher Yogyakarta.
Feiffel: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Feiffel: Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat fokus pada penerbitan artikel hasil kegiatan PkM dalam bentuk apapun, baik berupa produk, modul dan metode. Jurnal ini menampung publikasi dari bidan pendidikan, humaniora, sosial, dan Keagamaan.
Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen (JUPAK)
Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen (JUPAK) is a double-blind reviewer an open-access peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the novelty of Christian education practices through quantitative research, and qualitative research (argumentative, and case studies). This journal publishes original articles, reviews, and also new case reports. Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen (JUPAK) from 2023 volume 4 no 1 onwards only focuses on the publication of scientific papers in the field of Christian education in Indonesia. Journal Subject: Christian Religious Education Curriculum, Research on the Learning strategy of Christian Religious Education, Learning Media in Christian Religious Education, Evaluation of Christian Religious Education Learning.
Publisher by Sekolah Tinggi Teologi KADESI Yogyakarta E-ISSN: 2774-3861 || P-ISSN: 2774-6399
Jurnal Teologi (JUTEOLOG)
Jurnal Teologi (JUTEOLOG) is a double-blind reviewer and open-access peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the novelty of theology, biblical exegesis, and Christian service and education practices through quantitative research, and qualitative research (hermeneutics, argumentative, and case studies).
Publisher by Sekolah Tinggi Teologi KADESI Yogyakarta E-ISSN: 2775-4006 || P-ISSN: 2774-9355