Moderation of religion in the family from the perspective of Christian Religious Education


  • Lourine Joseph IAKN Ambon



Religious Moderation, Christian Religious Education, Family


Religious moderation in the smallest circle of Christian society (family) is an interesting phenomenon today. Since ancient times, the religious attitude of families, including Christian families in the small Ambon area, has been used as a prototype for religious life. The purpose of this research is that religious moderation can be preserved by Christian families if life in harmonious and harmonious differences experiences significant growth. But in reality religious moderation in a small family environment is experiencing a crisis. This is because the understanding of Christian families about religious moderation is still limited to knowing the existence of religious differences. What really is Moderation of Religion is not limited to that. Religious moderation requires resilience and the ability to share differences, to have an attitude of tolerance for other parties, even though they have different religions in accordance with true religious teachings, including the Teachings of Christian Religious Education. This study uses a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. Data collection is done by observation technique. Data analysis was carried out interactively and took place continuously until completion. The results showed that religious moderation in the family from the perspective of Christian Religious Education (1) Instilling an attitude of balance between loving God and others (2) Having an attitude of tolerance and respecting differences, (3) Building awareness to feel differences.


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How to Cite

Joseph, L. (2023). Moderation of religion in the family from the perspective of Christian Religious Education. Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Kristen (JUPAK), 3(2), 92-102.


