Publication FEES

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 (USD)
The Jurnal Teologi (JUTEOLOG) does not charge an article submission fee. However, a penalty of 30 USD will be charged for authors who retract their submission after the review results are delivered.

However, all accepted papers have to pay a publication fee of 50 USD (IDR 500.000). It covers DOI (Digital Object Identifiers) registration for each paper; checking the article similarity by a Turnitin, and the final editing stage of the paper. Waivers are available to authors who find it financially difficult to pay for article processing charges (APCs). They may lodge a request with the editor of the journal if their article is to appear in.

The Fast Track Review (FTR) policy is possible only for certain cases, taking into account the urgency and novelty of the novelty shared by the manuscript. The FTR fee is IDR Rp.800,000,- (including the publication fee) and is paid when the process is complete.